Former CIA Official Gary Berntsen:Bush should have executed Gitmo Prisoners

Gary Berntsen, 20-year CIA veteran, told Fox & Friends “Many of those individuals that are there are enemy combatants and that’s based on the Geneva Conventions and should be executed.  It’s ridiculous that the Bush administration, after seven years, didn’t deal with many of those that we know are enemy combatants…I’m thinking to myself, they’ve [...]

Obama’s Narcissism: Where are we headed?

From the Narcissism expert Sam Vaknin, PhD:
It is important to understand that the use of violence must be ego-syntonic. It must accord with the self-image of the narcissist. It must abet and sustain his grandiose fantasies and feed his sense of entitlement. It must conform with the narcissistic narrative.
Thus, a narcissist who regards himself as [...]

Once again, Star Parker speaks the truth

Two years ago, Star Parker wrote a powerful book about her escape from the federal government’s socialist grasp on the poor inner city communities.  Today, she speaks out again about Obama’s attempts to repatriate freed slaves and bring them back to Washington’s servitude.
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